Call For Article Submissions | Cureus

Call For Article Submissions

Oct 29, 2021 | NEWS

Breast cancer is the leading cause of death for women in many countries, and a multidisciplinary issue.

In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Cureus calls for article submissions regarding breast cancer research and treatment. Surgeons, radiation oncologists, oncologists, endocrinologists, epidemiologists, immunologists, and many more specialists can present pertinent investigations, interesting case reports, and discuss critical questions for breast cancer topics which fall into many disciplines. 

Please add “Breast Cancer” as a keyword in your submission to qualify.

For the opportunity to be featured on a devoted breast cancer research page, editors will consider original articles, case reports, review articles, and technical reports across a broad area of research in a multitude of specialties related to breast cancer including: 

  • Epidemiology and Public Health
  • Family Medicine
  • Genetics
  • Internal Medicine
  • Obstetrics & Gynecology
  • Oncology
  • Pain Management
  • Palliative Care
  • Pathology
  • Plastic Surgery
  • Psychology
  • Radiation Oncology
  • Radiology
  • Surgery

Example Topics Include: