Newsroom | Cureus


The Democratization of Medical Publishing as Seen on NBC, FOX, and more

                                       Since the dawn of the medical journal at the beginning of the 18th century, politics, elitism and costs have heavily restricted the publishing of important medical research and clinical observations. The Cureus Journal of Medical Science (pronounced “curious”) was conceived by neurosurgeon and entrepreneur John R. Adler, M.D., with a mission to democratize medical knowledge thereby making it more accessible to physicians, researchers, patients, caregivers and the general public. Cureus is the first and only medical journal to offer a DIY approach to scientific publishing, providing unique step-by-step article templates to speed the publication process while ensuring 100 percent free access for readers. In 2020 Cureus’ submissions tripled relative to last year, partly attributable to the velocity with which important new medical knowledge was being generated around Covid-19. Many of these articles were case reports documenting critical observations from the frontlines of the pandemic. Cureus believes in the unique value of patient case reports, the observations contained within being necessary first steps for driving all of medical science. Invaluable first-hand experience acquired in the trenches of harried hospitals and clinics, mandates efficient documentation and communication; that is what Cureus case reports enable. “We subscribe to the belief that all credible medical knowledge can and should have an audience,” said Dr. Adler, founder and chief executive officer of Cureus, and editor-in-chief of The Cureus Journal of Medical Science. “Authors trust Cureus for rigorous yet efficient peer-review, and then for us to provide an entire world of readers unimpeded free access to the content within” Cureus aims to publish millions of articles per year. Published articles are discussed and rated by a Cureus audience of more than 3.5 million readers. This is accomplished via the journal’s unique post-publication peer review rating process, Scholarly Impact Quotient, or SIQ™ score. Readers assign their rating to help determine article quality and clinical significance. SIQ™ harnesses the innate “wisdom of the crowd,” including peer reviewers, editors, colleagues, and doctors and researchers, to assess article importance. Cureus is indexed in PubMed, Google Scholar, Web of Science and other indexing services. About Cureus The Cureus Journal of Medical Science is a no-cost peer-reviewed online medical publishing platform that leverages a unique crowd-sourced post-publications review process. Relying on the collective intelligence of its clinical community, Cureus enables faster publication, greater access, and ultimately, better research. For more information about publishing and peer reviewing with the Cureus Journal of Medical Science, or to access cutting edge medical research visit Media Contact Company Name: The Cureus Journal of Medical Science Contact Person: Henrik Bacho Email: Send Email Phone: 415-308-5586 Country: United States Website:

Nov 11, 2020

Since When is “Fast and Efficient” a Shortcoming?

Read the latest blog post from Cureus Editor-in-Chief, John R. Adler, Jr., M.D. This past winter, I was notified in a short email that a scientific journal directory intended to drop Cureus from its list of preferred Open Access journals. No matter how specious any claim to exclusivity might be, who doesn’t crave getting past the big burly doorman guarding “The Club”? I reached out to this burly “Editor-in-Chief” of a “fraternity of journals” asking him how and why he arrived at his decision. After six email requests over nearly five months, I finally received a terse three-sentence 72-word response. In the eyes of the “Editor-in-Chief”, Cureus’ primary shortcoming was “submission to publication times are extremely short and you advertise your speed.” Basically, as I interpret this email rejection, Cureus’ sin is that it’s just too damn fast and efficient. Ahh… yeah, I guess Cureus is guilty as charged. What am I, or any of us here to make of this criticism? Totally dumfounded, I sent my parting shot to the doorman: “I find it more than ironic that the unique attributes of Cureus which we the journal editors most celebrate as virtues, are antithetically interpreted as shortcomings.” Ultimately, the issue at hand here is not really just about an indexing service and its gatekeeper. For me, what’s really at stake is a common understanding of the role medical knowledge plays in our modern world and, most importantly, does the existing journal paradigm serve this function? Unfortunately, I suggest not. In fact, the obliviousness with which the doorman dismissed efficient journal peer review and publication is emblematic of what happens today at nearly all journals. All too typically the journal industry is run by a self-righteous professional editorial class which seeks to reinforce tradition and aristocracy at the expense of efficiency and low costs, while laughing all the way to the bank. A quick search of PubMed and Google revealed that our critic had published a modest collection of basic science articles and nearly all published in the past decade were about scholarly publishing itself. Yet even more telling, he had zero obvious experience in clinical medicine. Somehow this guy deemed himself anointed by some unknown entity to judge how we physicians generate, curate and disseminate potentially life-saving medical knowledge amongst ourselves. What entitles him to be such a judge? Sure, it is always nice to be part of “The Club”, but ultimately, I would much rather be appreciated as THE peer-reviewed journal that offers fast and cost-efficient service to our community of hardworking clinically-oriented authors. If Cureus is to be judged, I want it to be our user community that gets the last word. In the meantime, I intend Cureus’ technology and processes to improve relentlessly thereby making the process of peer review and publication in Cureus even faster. Hopefully you can bank on that, Mr. Doorman!

Aug 11, 2020