Newsroom | Cureus


Call for Submissions: Healthcare Systems Around the World

Screwed-up medical systems are a global problem, but successful healthcare models also exist in surprising locations. Quality, cost, equity, innovation, regulation, and more - where does your country fall short in its healthcare systems, and where does it excel? With this call for submissions, we aim to foster a global dialogue among physicians and public health researchers deep in the medical trenches on important issues that inevitably impact patient care and outcomes. We encourage authors to reflect on personal experiences as healthcare providers, policymakers, or even medically knowledgeable patients. By sharing these perspectives, we can envision better healthcare systems for all. Eligible submissions from authors of all backgrounds, including healthcare professionals, researchers, and policymakers, will undergo editorial and peer review prior to publication. Submission deadline: May 12th, 2023 Requirements: Eligible submissions must include an author with publishing experience who has completed residency training.  Submissions must include the keyword “Global Healthcare Systems”. Submissions must adhere to Cureus publishing guidelines and, if applicable, may be subject to Preferred Editing fees.  Example editorials: Challenges faced by Pakistani healthcare system: Clinician's perspective Lebanese Healthcare System: How Will the Aftermath Look? COVID-19 Pandemic and Challenges for Socio-Economic Issues, Healthcare and National Health Programs in India The Healthcare Model: Concepts and Challenges for Primary Healthcare in Brazil An Assessment of Canada’s Healthcare System Weighing Achievements and Challenges

Apr 03, 2023

Peptide Therapy

There are many potential benefits of peptide therapy in different medical fields. This Cureus article explores the expression of antimicrobial peptides and cytokines in the human omentum following abdominal surgery, with the aim of understanding how these peptides can aid in the prevention of postoperative infections. The article below focuses on the effects of Mechano-Growth Factor (MGF) peptide, which has been shown to have favorable impacts on muscle growth, wound healing, cartilage repair, and brain development in animal studies. MGF peptide has also been shown to activate muscle stem cells and enhance heart health, among other benefits.  There is a growing interest in peptide therapy as a potential solution to various medical problems, from muscle loss to postoperative infections. Sponsored Content Cardiological Effects of MGF Peptide Mechano-Growth Factor (MGF) peptide is a splice variant of insulin-like growth factor [i] that has been demonstrated to have cardiological effects, favorably influencing muscle growth, wound healing, cartilage repair, and brain development in animal studies. MGF C-terminal has been shown to enhance muscle healing after damage and hasten recovery time. Moreover, some evidence is that it helps shield tissues from the mechanical stressors incurred during weight training and jogging, according to research. Do you have a Ph.D. or MD and need to purchase MGF peptides for your research? You can find high-quality, affordable peptides online. What is the Mechano Growth Factor? In contrast to IGF1, the peptide known as Mechano growth factor (MGF) [ii] have a slightly modified sequence. According to studies, it significantly impacts youngsters' growth and development. There's more, however. Animal studies support that MGF peptide may promote tissue repair and development by activating muscle stem cells and increasing protein synthesis for tissue growth. Researchers are now exploring this peptide as a potential therapy for disorders that cause muscle loss and wasting in animals. Mechanism of Action of the MGF Peptide According to research, IGF and muscle growth factor (MGF) work together to cause hypertrophy and speed up the healing process after muscle injury. Overtraining the muscle and increasing tissue healing are two ways that MGF shows itself. Muscle satellite cells, also known as stem cells, are activated with their help, per clinical trial results. [v] The IGF-1Eb isoform, as it's more often known, protects neurons, mitigates the atrophying effects of insulin, and speeds up the healing of damaged muscle tissue in animals. Studies in rats have shown the efficacy of this peptide. After muscular damage, high levels of MGF were found in the rats' muscles, which promoted skeletal muscle cell development. Research on MGF treatment for disorders that cause muscle wasting or tissue damage is limited, but early results are encouraging. Advantages of MGF Peptides According to the scientific community's findings, MGF peptides have a wide range of applications. In a nutshell, here's what it can do, according to animal studies: Encourage the growth of new muscle by stimulating stem cells Facilitate healing, repair, and cell division Facilitate the reduction of inflammation Maximize workouts Improve mental well-being and growth Enhance heart health Muscle Growth Factor's Effects Recent studies have shown that MGF (Mechanical growth factor) may stimulate satellite cells in the body, leading to increased hypertrophy, larger muscles, and even muscle regeneration. According to animal studies, MGF administered to mice for three weeks resulted in a 25% increase in muscle growth. Researchers think this peptide has the potential to double the health benefits of exercise and cure muscle-wasting disorders. An animal's basal metabolic rate and the pace at which it burns calories at rest benefit from muscle gain. Thus the animal may see more than simply an aesthetic advantage from exercising. Animal studies have demonstrated that increased lean body mass helps alleviate various diseases and health problems linked to obesity. Transplantation of myogenic precursor cells enhances dystrophin expression, which may explain why MGF therapy is effective in the context of some muscle-wasting illnesses like Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD). As a result, the negative consequences of these states are mitigated. Despite the treatment's encouraging name, post-transplant survival statistics are dismal. Animal studies suggest that C-terminal peptide may improve transplant outcomes by increasing the number of myogenic precursor cells that survive the procedure. Results of MGF on Injury Repair Injuries, inflammatory diseases like arthritis, and overuse of joints may all lead to cartilage breakdown. Experts agree that poor blood flow and a lack of stem cells prevent cartilage from regenerating properly. Yet, research on MGF peptides in animals showed that they might assist in overcoming many of the obstacles to cartilage regeneration. Research indicates that C-terminal [iii] MGF helps chondrocytes (cells that promote cartilage health and repair) endure exposure to noxious stimuli, including damage and physical stress. By increasing cell survival, MGF supplementation aids in protecting and repairing cartilage when mechanical stress is applied, as per studies. Rodent studies showed that MGF peptide might stop disc degeneration by stopping cell apoptosis. [iv]  Cardiological Consequences Evidence from animal trials of acute myocardial infarction in sheep suggests that MGF peptide therapy may prevent heart muscle damage caused by ischemia. Researchers also found that cardiomyocyte damage was reduced by 35% when MGF peptide was administered. Effects on Neuronal Health In 2010, scientists proved that MGF peptide was present in the brains of rats, proving the medication's potent neuroprotective properties. Research in mice further indicates that MGF protein is expressed in the context of brain hypoxia and that it may protect neurons. Studies show that treatment with MGF peptide relieves the increasing muscular weakness seen in Lou Gehrig's disease (ALS) and slows down the underlying cause of the illness, the degeneration of motor neurons. Researchers have observed that Mechano-growth factor peptide protects neurons from disease progression more effectively than any other isoform. It may also aid in the recovery of brain tissue damaged by ischemia. Scientists have high hopes that MGF peptide, with further study, may prove to be therapeutic that can save motor neurons from dying. References [i] Philippou A, Papageorgiou E, Bogdanis G, Halapas A, Sourla A, Maridaki M, Pissimissis N, Koutsilieris M. Expression of IGF-1 isoforms after exercise-induced muscle damage in humans: characterization of the MGF E peptide actions in vitro. In Vivo. 2009 Jul-Aug;23(4):567-75. [ii] Moriggl, R, V Gouilleux-Gruart, R Jähne, S Berchtold, C Gartmicen, X Liu, L Hennighausen, A Sotiropoulos, B Groner, and F Gouilleux. “Deletion of the Carboxyl-Terminal Transactivation Domain of MGF-Stat5 Results in Sustained DNA Binding and a Dominant Negative Phenotype.” Molecular and Cellular Biology 16, no. 10 (October 1996): 5691–5700. doi:10.1128/mcb.16.10.5691. [iii] Esposito, Simone, Koen Deventer, and Peter Van Eenoo. “Characterization and Identification of a C-Terminal Amidated Mechano Growth Factor (MGF) Analogue in Black Market Products.” Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 26, no. 6 (February 10, 2012): 686–692. doi:10.1002/rcm.6144. [iv] Liu X, Zeng Z, Zhao L, Chen P, Xiao W. Impaired Skeletal Muscle Regeneration Induced by Macrophage Depletion Could Be Partly Ameliorated by MGF Injection. Front Physiol. 2019 May 17;10:601. [v] Mills P, Dominique JC, Lafrenière JF, Bouchentouf M, Tremblay JP. A synthetic mechano growth factor E Peptide enhances myogenic precursor cell transplantation success. Am J Transplant. 2007 Oct;7(10):2247-59. Editor's Note: This blog post was sponsored by Core Peptides LLC.

Mar 28, 2023

Introducing a Better Way to Read Cureus Articles

Our brand new article pages are now live! Cureus is delighted to share our new article page design with you! Our new layout frames your articles in a fresh and pleasing way, and includes a number of exciting features. We’ve highlighted the improvements below.   Article banner image sourced from your article’s figures No figures in your article? No problem! We will instead display an attractive image related to your article’s category.   Highlight and quote text in comments or a tweet You can now highlight a specific phrase, sentence or paragraph via automatic quote in a tweet or your comment at the bottom of the article, providing helpful context in your discussion with other readers and the authors.       New floating toolbar featuring citation tool The new toolbar enables you to save, share, and cite articles with the click of a button. Options include liking the article, downloading the citation or entire article as a PDF, and sharing it via email, Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, and many other social platforms.       Let's make an impact! Citing a Cureus article has never been easier. Download the citation using the toolbar and add it to your preferred citation manager.       Article endorsement Is there a particular article you found interesting or enjoyable to read? Maybe it added something new to the literature? Endorse the article by clicking the "Cureus claps" button under the title.       Updated SIQ look and tiers Articles will receive a ribbon around their SIQ scores if their score exceeds 5. Silver ribbons are awarded to articles with SIQs ranging from 5-7.9 and gold ribbons awarded to articles with scores of 8-10. Article navigation Jump to the Comments section by clicking the comment button under the article title. Automatically scroll back to the top of the article by clicking the arrow in the bottom right corner. Unfold the Table of Contents on the left side bar to quickly scroll to a specific section.   Category classification clarity and search Article categories are now expanded and displayed prominently on the left sidebar. Click an article category to explore related articles. For a more focused search, expand the Keyword section below and click to search by keyword.   Recommended reading The insatiable scholars among us can find popular articles on the right side bar. Cureus will recommend Call for Submissions articles and other collections in our new Cureus Promotions space in the top right corner. Finally, quench your curiosity by searching for related topics and finding relevant "Further Reading" at the bottom of the article

Jan 24, 2023

Support for the Wall of Shame

Cureus is the first journal to publicly highlight authors who have committed egregious ethical violations, as well as the institutions that enabled them, through our Wall of Shame. The release of the Wall of Shame garnered much attention among the academic publishing community, receiving both praise and criticism.  While the wall's primary function is to help ensure that potentially dangerous medical misinformation is not published and possibly prevent hundreds or even thousands of future offenses, the page can also be used as an educational tool. Our team recently received the below email from volunteer Cureus editor Dr. Robin Jacobs, PhD, MSW, MS, MPH, Professor in Biomedical Informatics and Medical Education and the Director of Graduate Medical Education at Nova Southeastern University, which we believe is a testament to the page's value and impact:  I am the course director for my medical college's 8-month course, the Research Practicum, for which I teach/mentor approximately 400 second year medical students (in groups of 5-10) each year to conduct research projects (~50 projects per year). Their final product is a poster (many of which are published in Cureus) and manuscripts (some of which have been published as papers in Cureus and other journals); we are a Flagship program.  Last week during class I showed them the newly installed "Cureus Wall of Shame" site and explained the meaning and reasoning behind it and the reality of article retractions. It was a great segway into publication ethics and scientific misconduct, such as plagiarism, falsifying evidence, IRB fraud, and authorship issues. I explained in detail the ramifications of such activities for both students and faculty. In addition, I serve as the IRB representative for my medical school.     Let me say, this brief presentation really affected them! Many have told me they are rethinking (for them, that means "getting more serious about") the way they approach their research, including writing papers for publication. Some remarked that they are paying much closer attention and being more mindful of how they conduct their study and are aware of the importance of "quality over quantity." Some were outright nervous thinking about previous works submitted. In sum, it really shook them up.   I just wanted to point out that the "Wall of Shame" served a secondary purpose in addition to "highlight authors who have committed egregious ethical violations as well as the institutions that enabled them." It turned out to be a great teaching tool for medical educators to demonstrate the seriousness - and realities - of academic misconduct. I will introduce the "Wall of Shame" to all my students going forward.   

Jan 18, 2023

Cureus is now part of Springer Nature!

We are delighted to share with you that Cureus is now part of Springer Nature! Springer Nature is a German-British academic publishing company considered to be a leader in global research, educational, and professional publishing. As of December, 2021, Springer Nature had published 16% of all Open Access primary research, which is 29% more than any other publisher. Cureus will continue to eliminate barriers to the generation and dissemination of medical knowledge, only now as part of Springer Nature. Our mission and editorial policies will remain the same - providing access for all authors to publish credible science. Springer Nature’s backing and trust will enable Cureus and our community of readers, authors and peer reviewers to grow even more quickly. We are thrilled to join with Springer Nature in paving the way towards an open science future. "We are super excited by our new relationship with Springer Nature. With their support, Cureus can accelerate the growth of our network of users, thereby enabling us to more readily democratize medical science. Our new relationship will further strengthen our efforts to be the fastest, lowest cost, oftentimes free, Open Access medical journal in the world, and also one with the broadest reach.​​​​​ What once seemed elusive due to our outsider status is now within reach: indexing in MEDLINE, receiving an Impact Factor - everything is now on the table!" - John R. Adler, MD, Cureus Founder, President and Co-Editor-in-Chief Joining Springer Nature is a true testament to the impact made by Cureus and our community of authors, peer reviewers and readers! We pledge to keep pushing the boundaries of the medical publishing establishment in pursuit of fast, efficient and affordable publication while providing an experience uniquely tailored to each reader and peer reviewer. Thank you for your support!

Dec 07, 2022

Excessive Pornography Consumption: Addiction or Habit?

  Call for Submissions  Excessive Pornography Consumption: Addictive Disorder or Habit?  The internet is awash in pornography. Sexual content has been just a few keyboard clicks away throughout much of our modern existence. A well-known pornographic website revealed in 2019 that it was visited daily by 115 million people and 42 billion people each year.1 What significance does this hold for human behavior and sexual health?  There is a scarcity of research about “porn addiction.” Is such behavior merely a variation of human sexuality or is it a pathological compulsive addiction with far ranging effects on psychological well being?2 For years mental health professionals and researchers have debated what constitutes hypersexual disorders and rightful inclusion in the DSM.3,4  In light of the above, Cureus is hereby sending out a call for scientific articles that broadly relate to the field of pornography and its potential behavioral manifestations. For the opportunity to be featured on a dedicated “pornography research” page and email announcement, we invite authors to submit original articles, case reports, review articles, and editorials that explore the subject of “excessive” pornography consumption and whether or not it is an addictive, hypersexual, compulsive-impulsive, or other disorder. Let’s see if science can shed any light on the present controversy! *Please add “Pornography 2022” as a keyword in your submission to qualify.* Example topics include:  Neural and behavioral correlates of sexual stimuli anticipation point to addiction-like mechanisms in compulsive sexual behavior disorder. The role of impaired control in screening problematic pornography use: Evidence from cross-sectional and longitudinal studies in a large help-seeking male sample. Online Sex Addiction: A Qualitative Analysis of Symptoms in Treatment-Seeking Men. Electrophysiological Evidence of Enhanced Processing of Novel Pornographic Images in Individuals With Tendencies Toward Problematic Internet Pornography Use. Pornography, a neglected prevailing addiction

Dec 01, 2022

The Clinical & Public Health Implications of Abortion Bans & Restrictions

We would like to thank all of the authors who participated in this call for submissions. The Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade has major national public health repercussions. While abortion has long been a hot topic in the political arena, we believe it should be viewed through a clinical and public health lens, not via one’s political ideology. We hope this initiative will help raise awareness and prompt discussion about abortion, reproductive rights and maternal mortality. While the United Stated Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe v. Wade prompted this call for articles, we understand that abortion access and reproductive rights are a global topic affecting people all over the world. Read the articles below: Abortion Is a Right: Perspectives of Family Medicine Physician Residents   The Relationship Between Access to Abortion and Mental Health in Women of Childbearing Age: Analyses of Data From the Global Burden of Disease Studies   Isotretinoin, Vitamin A Supplements, and Unintended Pregnancies in Post Roe v. Wade America   The Interest in Permanent Contraception Peaked Following the Leaked Supreme Court Majority Opinion of Roe vs. Wade: A Cross-Sectional Google Trends Analysis   The Medical and Financial Burden of Illegal Abortion   Effects and Proposed Countermeasures of Abortion Bans and Restrictions on People With Uteruses and Society   Looking for a Silver Lining to the Dark Cloud: A Google Trends Analysis of Contraceptive Interest in the United States Post Roe vs. Wade Verdict   Misadventure of an Unsafe Abortion Sexual Debut, Sexual Education, Abortion, Awareness and Prevalence of Contraceptive Among Female Undergraduates Students in Public and Private Universities in Ekiti State, Nigeria

Nov 17, 2022