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Annals of Health Innovation


The Annals of Health Innovation (AHI) was formed in 2022 to create a hub for research that pushes the boundaries of healthcare. We are not limited to the scope of inpatient medical practice, but look for innovation applicable to health in its broadest definition. We welcome submissions from doctors, nurses, dentists, physical therapists, nutritionists, optometrists - anyone from the entire spectrum of healthcare. Our areas of research interest include, but are not limited to:

  • The use of technological innovation in healthcare, whether in the form of digital therapeutics, telemedicine, mobile health interventions, blockchain, AI or other such advances. 
  • As health innovation is not only limited to new technologies, but also encompasses acknowledgement of chronically underexplored domains, we welcome submissions of research that looks more closely into the issues of healthcare worker/student mental health, satisfaction, and employment patterns.
  • Original research including review articles, case reports, case series, systematic reviews, and meta-analyses (sound understanding of current health best practices allow innovation to occur). 
  • We select a small number of opinion articles on a monthly basis that offer thought-provoking writing exploring emerging trends in healthcare, the future of healthcare, or any other topic relevant to healthcare that we consider compelling enough to be of value to our readers.

At AHI we want to broaden the scope of involvement in the academic healthcare world, creating an inclusive, dynamic, and future-focused community.